The Opioid Crisis: Efforts of Science and Medicine

*This is the second of two articles on the Opioid Crisis in the U.S. To read the first, click here. In 2016, over 64,000 people died from drug-related overdoses, more than all U.S deaths from the Vietnam War. The primary culprit—opioids. Indeed, more than 90 Americans die per day due to opioid overdoses. Scientists and physicians …

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The Opioid Crisis: How it Arose

***This is the first of two articles on the Opioid Crisis in the U.S. This article details the history, discovery, and early use of opioids. The second article will elaborate on the responsibility of scientists and physicians for enabling the opioid crisis in the U.S, as well as their current roles in eliminating it. The …

Continue reading The Opioid Crisis: How it Arose

Let’s Talk About NFL Protests

Small-town USA holds a special place in my heart. I was raised in Rockwood, Pennsylvania, a rural town with a population of less than 1,000. I grew up sporting fluorescent orange in tree stands, wading streams to catch fish, bailing hay, shoveling horse manure, and carrying buckets of water from nearby creeks for our animals. …

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My Story

“Hey Doc, will I ever be able to read without my eyes bouncing off every word and having to redirect them to the page? When will I gain control of the thoughts that pass through my mind?” “I can’t answer those questions, Sam, but I’m sure you will be fine sooner rather than later.” “Doc, …

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On the Election 2016 Aftermath

Anger and Resentment. Jubilation and Relief. Two very different reactions to the most divisive, disliked president-elect in the history of American politics. A deeper investigation into the feelings of jubilation and relief of those who voted for Donald Trump unearths the same feelings of anger and resentment that nearly 60 million Hillary Clinton supporters currently …

Continue reading On the Election 2016 Aftermath

On Study Abroad

I've been studying abroad for less than two months, but it is already clear to me that an experience abroad teaches one more than any class possibly can. Regardless of what you study, or your employment, time abroad unlocks a plethora of thought processes for the human mind; it provides real-world experiential learning to  contextualize that which …

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Science Is The Most Unprejudiced Thing We Have

Science's main goal is to increase our knowledge about life and worldly processes that enable us to advance the way we live. Science, then, can be broken down into two aspects—(I) how science affects us, and (II) how we affect science.

Diffusion fMRI: Addressing Limitations of Current Medical Imaging Techniques

This marks the first time that researchers have been able to combine structural MRI and fMRI and validate the utility of the method for further use. We can then apply this knowledge to combat diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, and more.

Football soon will not be the same and that’s a good thing

"Football has perpetuated a culture of lies, fraud, and coverups of the most appalling order."

Are doctors too complacent?

There is a big difference between a doctor saying, "I'm not sure what is wrong" and ending the conversation with a prescription for a drug that may or may not work, and "I'm not sure what is wrong, yet."